Our properties

580 Grande Allée East

580, Grande Allée Est, Québec, G1R 2K2, Québec

Strategic location!

  1. Total surface area

    93,000 ft2
  2. Construction year

  3. Surface area by floor

    12 000 sf
  4. Renovation year

  5. Number of parking spaces

    150 ext. $
  6. Elevators

  7. Number of floors

  8. Type of building


Services and features

Convenience store nearby • Access to several express and metrobus on René-Levesque Boulevard • Restaurants in the building and nearby • Handicap access • Near major highways, René-Levesque Boulevard and Dufferin Highway

There are no spaces available at this time.

Contact information


Pierre-Luc Dufour

Phone number

418 692-8484